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耶和華是我的牧者:詩篇 23 篇的默想

詩篇23是聖經中一段深具安慰力且廣受珍視的經文。它描繪 神作為一位牧羊人,為祂的羊群提供、指引和保護,象徵著 神對祂子民的關懷和引導。 對基督的跟隨者來說,詩篇 23 篇具有更深刻的意義,因為耶穌宣稱他是好牧人,為羊捨命 (約翰福音 John 10:11)。他願意撇下99隻安全的羊,去拯救那隻迷失的羊(路加福音 Luke 15:1-7)。 即使在永恆中,耶穌仍將繼續扮演這個角色,正如《啟示錄》中所描述的那樣: 因為寶座中的羔羊必牧養他們,領他們到生命水的泉源;神也必擦去他們一切的眼淚。(啟 Rev 7:17)。

聖經默想 - 陳弟兄

This article is about the meaning, history, benefits, and steps of biblical meditation. Here are some key points: This is the summary generated by MS Copilot: 這篇文章是關於聖經冥想的意義、歷史、好處和步驟。以下是一些重點: - 聖經默想是用一顆接受的心思考經文的話語,信任聖靈通過這些話語在你裡面工作。 - 聖經默想的歷史顯示,這是一種可以追溯到舊約時代的實踐,並在新約中由耶穌和使徒們體現出來。 - 聖經默想的好處包括對神的更深認識、靈性成長、指導和方向、改善禱告生活以及心理和情感健康。 - 聖經默想的步驟包括找一個安靜的地方,閱讀一段經文或一個主題,反思其意義和應用,向神禱告,並將經文應用到你的生活中。 Biblical meditation is pondering the words of Scripture with a receptive heart, trusting the Holy Spirit to work in you through those words. History of biblical meditation shows that it is a practice that dates back to the Old Testament times and was exemplified by Jesus and the apostles in the New Testament. Benefits of biblical meditation include deeper knowledge of God, spiritual growth, guidance and direction, improved prayer life, and mental and emotional health. Steps of biblical meditation involve finding a quiet place, reading a passage or a topic, reflecting on its meaning and application, praying to God, and applying the Scripture to your life.
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