基督徒的品格 -- 賴瑞珍牧師 7-10-2020
第一個品格就是,要能 “勝過” “試探” (temptation) 。弟兄姊妹,在我們人生當中,一個最常碰到的問題就是“試探”。我們常常碰到試探。我們隨時隨地都會碰到試探。
弟兄姊妹,耶穌也接受過試探。福音書記載,當耶穌在約但河受洗之後,“聖靈”將他帶到礦野,在四十天當中,接受 “撒但”的 “試探” 。但是他勝過這些試探。
第二個好的品格就是,必需要有“自我節制”(self-control)。 弟兄姊妹,記得嗎?經文中記載,“聖靈的果子”當中最後的一項就是 “自我節制” 。
的 “信心”。我們要勝過 “試探” ,養成 “自我節制”的品格,我們認為也必需要有 “堅忍” 的 “信心” 才能夠達到最後這個目標。
A. 英文和中文聖經翻譯
B. 人的試探
C. 人的自我節制
D. 堅忍的信心
E. 結語
A1. 從語言學來看中文和英文的不同
中文: 象形文字
我們知道舊約是用希伯來文寫成的。新約是用希臘文寫成的。這二種文字都是用字毋排列的方式表達的。所以,從語言學的觀點來看,英文聖經的翻譯會比中文聖經的翻譯更接近原文,而且更精準 (precise) ,和更有一致性 (consistent)。
弟兄姊妹,因為希伯來文和希臘文比較難學,所以我們認為英文本聖經是很值得我們做參考的。好,現在來看 3 個例証。
A2. 例証
A2a. 例証1: 試探
在英文聖經當中,“試探” 這個字有二種形式出現。當名詞用, Temptation; 當動詞用, Tempted (NIV)
這個字在聖經中出現8 次。Tempted 這個字在聖經中出現13次。所以 “試探”這個字在聖經中用了 21次。
在中文和合本聖經中,對 Temptation 和 Tempted 有一些不同的翻譯。
和合本將進入“試探” 翻譯成進入 “迷惑”。舉一個例子。
馬太 6:41總要儆醒禱告、免得入了迷惑.你們心靈固然願意、肉體卻軟弱了。
Mt 26:41 "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."
弟兄姊妹,今天我們要來查考有關試探的經文,包括中文 (和合本)和英文版 (NIV)。希望我們對 “試探”這個字 ,和它的含意有更深入的了解。
A2b. 例証 2: 節制
節制 (自我節制)。(我的翻譯)。
在英文聖經當中,“節制”這個字有二種形式出現。當名詞用, Self-Control; 當形容詞用, Be Self-Controlled (NIV)
Self-Control這個字在聖經中出現 7 次。 Self-Controlled這個字在聖經中出現 11 次。所以 “節制”
這個字在聖經中用了 18 次。
弟兄姊妹,我們發覺在中文(和合本) 聖經中,對 self-control 和 be self-controlled 有一些不一致的翻譯。等一下再解釋。
弟兄姊妹,今天我們要來查考有關“節制”的經文,包括中文 (和合本)和英文版 (NIV)。希望我們對 “節制”這個字 ,和它的含意有更深入的了解。
A2c. 例証 (3) :忍耐 (堅忍)
弟兄姊妹,“堅忍”(Perseverance) 這個字和合本聖經翻譯成 “忍耐”(Patience) 。其實, “堅忍, 堅持到底” (Perseverance) ,這個字和 “忍耐”,(Patience) 是很不同的。我們來看這二個字的定義。
堅忍, 堅持到底,Perseverance, (persistence)
Definition: persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. (persistence)
忍耐 Patience
Definition: the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
所以,“堅忍”, 是為了達到某一個目標,堅持到底 的意思。它絕對不是背動地一直 “忍耐” 下去。
弟兄姊妹,今天我們要來查考有關“堅忍”的經文,包括中文 (和合本)和英文版 (NIV) 。希望我們對 “堅忍”這個字 ,和它的含意有更深入的了解。
B. 人的試探
B1. 人所受的試探的來源
弟兄姊妹,說到人所受的試探,情況有一些不同。我們認為人所受的試探的來源,跟耶穌的情況有一些不同。我們認為人所受的試探應該有兩個來源。第一個來源是出自人的罪性 (sinful nature) ,像保羅所說的,“就如姦淫、污穢、邪蕩、拜偶像、邪術、仇恨、爭競、忌恨、惱怒、結黨、紛爭、異端、嫉妒、醉酒、荒宴等事。”
(加拉太 5: 21)
第二個來源才是從撒但來。 弟兄姊妹,你們同意這種看法嗎?
B1a. 從 “人的罪性”(sinful nature) 來的 “試探”。
B1b. 從 “撒但”來的試探
B1a. 從 “人的罪性”(sinful nature) 來的 “試探”
雅各1:13 人被試探、不可說,我是被 神試探.因為 神不能被惡試探,他也不試探人.
Jas 1:13 When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me."
For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone;
雅各 1:14但各人被試探,乃是被自己的私慾牽引誘惑的。
Jas 1:14 but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.
1:15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it
is full-grown, gives birth to death.
提前 6:9 但那些想要發財的人,就陷在迷惑,落在網羅,和許多無知有害的私慾裡,叫人沉在敗壞和滅亡中。
1Ti 6:9 People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.
羅馬7:22因為按著我裡面的意思。〔原文作人〕我是喜歡 神的律.
加 6: 1弟兄們,若有人偶然被過犯所勝,你們屬靈的人,就當用溫柔的心,把他挽回過來.又當自己小心,恐怕也被引誘。
Gal 6:1 Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.
B1b. 從 “撒但”來的試探
B1b1: 約伯的故事
B1b2: 耶穌受魔鬼的試探
太 4:1當時,耶穌被聖靈引到曠野,受魔鬼的試探。
Mt 4:1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.
路 4:1耶穌被聖靈充滿,從約但河回來,聖靈將他引到曠野,四十天受魔鬼的試探。
Lk 4:1 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert,
Heb 2:18 Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
Heb 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet was without sin.
林前 10:13 你們所遇見的試探,無非是人所能受的。 神是信實的,必不叫你們受試探過於所能受的。在受試探的時候,總要給你們開一條出路,叫你們能忍受得住。
1Co 10:13
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is
faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you
are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
帖前 3:5 為此,我既不能再忍,就打發人去,要曉得你們的信心如何,恐怕那誘惑人的到底誘惑了你們,叫我們的勞苦歸於徒然。
1Th 3:5 For this reason, when I could stand it no longer, I sent to find out about your faith. I was afraid that in some way the tempter might have tempted you and our efforts
might have been useless.
B2. 人如何勝過試探
這邊我們要分成兩類:B2a. 如何勝過從人的 “罪性”來的試探。 B2b. 如何勝過從 “撒但”來的試探。
B2a. 如何勝過從人的“罪性”來的試探
雅各1:13 人被試探,不可說,我是被 神試探.因為 神不能被惡試探,他也不試探人.
Jas 1:13 When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me."For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone;
雅各1: 13 人如果經歷這種試煉,不可以說:上帝在試誘我;因為上帝不受邪惡的試誘,也不試誘人。(現代中文譯本)
1:14 but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is
dragged away and enticed.
雅各1: 14一個人受試誘,是被自已的慾望勾引去的。(現代中文譯本)
Jas 1:15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
雅各1: 15 他的慾望懷了胎,生出罪惡,罪惡一旦長成,就產生死亡。(現代中文譯本)
提前 6:9 但那些想要發財的人,就陷在迷惑,落在網羅,和許多無知有害的私慾裡,叫人沉在敗壞和滅亡中。
1Ti 6:9 People who want
to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and
harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.
加 6: 1弟兄們,若有人偶然被過犯所勝,你們屬靈的人,就當用溫柔的心,把他挽回過來,又當自己小心,恐怕也被引誘。
Gal 6:1 Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently.
But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.
帖前 3: 5 為此,我既不能再忍,就打發人去,要曉得你們的信心如何,恐怕那誘惑人的到底誘惑了你們,叫我們的勞苦歸於徒然。
1Th 3:5 For this reason, when I could stand it no longer, I sent to find out about your faith. I was afraid that in some way the tempter might have tempted you and our efforts might have
been useless.
B2b. 如何勝過從 “撒但”來的試探
馬太 6:13 不叫我們遇見試探.救我們脫離兇惡。
馬太 6:41總要儆醒禱告,免得入了迷惑.你們心靈固然願意,肉體卻軟弱了。
Mt 26:41 "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing,but the body is weak."
馬可 14:38 總要儆醒禱告,免得入了迷惑.你們心靈固然願意,肉體卻軟弱了。
路加 11:4赦免我們的罪,因為我們也赦免凡虧欠我們的人。不叫我們遇見試探.救我們脫離兇惡。〔有古卷無末句〕
路加 22:40 到了那地方,就對他們說,你們要禱告,免得入了迷惑。
路加 22:46 就對他們說,你們為甚麼睡覺呢.起來禱告,免得入了迷惑。
林前 10:13 你們所遇見的試探,無非是人所能受的, 神是信實的,必不叫你們受試探過於所能受的.在受試探的時候,總要給你們開一條出路,叫你們能忍受得住。
1Co 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful;he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are
tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
C. 人的節制
前面說過,“(自我) 節制” 這個字在聖經當中有兩種用法。一種是當“名詞” (self-control) 用; 另一種是當 “形容詞”(be self-controlled) 來用。
根据我們的研究,在當“名詞”用時,和合本都翻譯成 “節制”(6處) 。
但是當用做“形容詞”的時候,和合本在 4個地方翻譯成“謹守”; 另外4個地方翻譯成 “自守”; 另外 2 個地方翻譯成 “謹慎自守”; 另外一處翻譯成 “莊重” 。
所以何合本在這些經節的翻譯並不一致 (consistent) 。
C1. 人如何發展自我節制
C1a. 使徒保羅的教導
C1a1: 對帖撤羅尼迦教會
帖前 5:6 所以我們不要睡覺,像別人一樣,總要儆醒 “謹守”。
1Th 5:6 So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled.
帖前5:8 但我們既然屬乎白晝,就當 “謹守”,把信和愛當作護心鏡遮胸.把得救的盼望當作頭盔戴上。
1Th 5:8 But since we belong
to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a
breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.
C1a2: 對提摩太和亞細亞教會
提前 3: 2 作監督的,必須無可指責,只作一個婦人的丈夫,有 節制, “自守”,端正,樂意接待遠人,善於教導.
1Ti 3:2 Now the overseer
must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled,
respectable, hospitable, able to teach,
提後 3:3 無親情,不解怨,好說讒言,不能自約,性情兇暴,不愛良善,
2Ti 3:3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of thegood,
林前 7:5 夫妻不可彼此虧負,除非兩相情願,暫時分房,為要專心禱告方可,以後仍要同房,免得撒但趁著你們情不自禁,引誘你們。
1Co 7:5 Do not deprive
each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote
yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you
because of your lack of self-control.
加拉太 5: 22, 23聖靈所結的果子,就是仁愛,喜樂,和平,忍耐,恩慈,良善,信實,溫柔,節制.這樣的事,沒有律法禁止。
Gal 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
Gal 5:23
gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
提多 1: 8; 2: 2, 5, 6, 12.
1:8樂意接待遠人,好善, “莊重”,公平,聖潔, 自持.
Tit 1:8 Rather he must be
hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright,
holy and disciplined.
2:2勸老年人,要有 節制,端莊, “自守”,在信心愛心忍耐上,都要純全無疵。
Tit 2:2 Teach the older
men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in
faith, in love and in endurance.
“謹守”,貞潔,料理家務,待人有恩,順服自己的丈夫,免得 神的道理被毀謗。
Tit 2:4 Then they can
train the younger women to love their husbands and children,
Tit 2:5 to be
self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject
to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
2:6又勸少年人要 “謹守”.
Tit 2:6 Similarly,
encourage the young men to be self-controlled.
2:12教訓我們除去不敬虔的心,和世俗的情慾,在今世 “自守”,公義,敬虔度日.
Tit 2:12
It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to
live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,
C1b. 使徒彼得的教導
彼前 1: 13; 4: 7; 5: 8
彼前1:13所以要約束你們的心,〔原文作束上你們心中的腰〕 “謹慎自守”,專心盼望耶穌基督顯現的時候所帶來給你們的恩。
1Pe 1:13
Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your
hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.
彼前4:7萬物的結局近了.所以你們要 謹慎 “自守”,儆醒禱告。
1Pe 4:7 The end of all
things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that
you can pray.
彼前5:8務要 “謹守”,儆醒.因為你們的仇敵魔鬼,如同吼叫的獅子,遍地游行,尋找可吞喫的人.
1Pe 5:8 Be self-controlled
and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for
someone to devour.
彼後 1: 6有了知識,又要加上節制.有了節制,又要加上忍耐.有了忍耐,又要加上虔敬.
2Pe 1:6 and to knowledge,
self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to
perseverance, godliness;
D. 堅忍的信心
前面提過,堅忍, 堅持到底, (Perseverance) ,和 忍耐,(Patience)
D1. 主的教導
D2. 使徒的教導
D2a. 使徒雅各
D2b. 使徒保羅
D2c. 使徒彼得
D2d. 希伯來書
D1. 主的教導
Rev 2:2 I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot
tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.
Rev 2:19 I know your deeds, your love and faith, your service and perseverance, and that you are now
doing more than you did at first.
D2. 使徒的教導
D2a. 使徒雅各
Jas 1:2 Consider it pure
joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds,
Jas 1:3 because you know
that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
Jas 1:4 Perseverance
must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking
雅各1:4 但忍耐要堅持到底,使你們可以完全,毫無缺乏。(新譯本)
雅各1:4 你們要忍耐到底,才能達到十全十美,沒有缺欠的地步。 (現代中文譯本)
Jas 5:11 As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have
heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought
about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.
D2b. 使徒保羅
Ro 5:3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;
Rom 5:4 perseverance,character; and character, hope.
林後 12: 12我在你們中間,用百般的忍耐,藉著神蹟奇事異能,顯出使徒的憑據來。
2Co 12:12
The things that mark an apostle--signs, wonders and miracles--were done among
you with great perseverance.
帖後1:4甚至我們在 神的各教會裡為你們誇口,都因你們在所受的一切逼迫患難中,仍舊存忍耐和信心.
2Th 1:4 Therefore, among God's churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all
the persecutions and trials you are enduring.
帖後3:5願主引導你們的心,叫你們愛 神並學基督的忍耐。
2Th 3:5 May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance.
提前 4: 16 你要謹慎自己和自己的教訓,要在這些事上恆心.因為這樣行,又能救自己,又能救聽你的人。
1Ti 4:16
Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you
do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.
2Pe 1:5 For this very
reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness,
2Pe 1:6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance,godliness;
D2d. 希伯來書
來 10: 36你們必須忍耐,使你們行完了 神的旨意,就可以得著所應許的。
Heb 10:36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.
來 12: 1我們既有這許多的見證人,如同雲彩圍著我們,就當放下各樣的重擔,脫去容易纏累我們的罪,存心忍耐,奔那擺在我們前頭的路程,
Heb 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run
with perseverance the race marked out for us.
E. 結語
E1. 基督徒品格養成之1: 勝過試探/擊退試探
“勝過” , “擊退” , “試探”(Temptation) 。
但是人的試探絕大多數是從人的情慾和罪來的。 老使徒約翰更做了一個很清楚的結論,他說,
“因為凡世界上的事,就像肉體的情慾,眼目的情慾,並今生的驕傲,都不是從父來的,乃是從世界來的。” (約壹 2: 16)
弟兄姊妹,我們不能以消極的態度,只用主禱文禱告說, “主啊, 不要叫我們遇見試探,救我們脫離兇惡。” 我們相信這是不夠的。
弟兄姊妹,我們不能被罪和情慾控制,不由自己, 就是想進入試探。
E2. 基督徒品格養成之 2: 自我節制
弟兄姊妹,前面提過,要靠主勝過試探,另外有一項我們必須有的,就是要養成“自我節制”(self-control) 的好習慣。
今天我們溫習到許多 “自我節制” 的經文。
“自我節制” 的好習慣。
“聖靈” 的果子。
E3. 基督徒品格養成之3: 堅忍的信心
弟兄姊妹,在養成基督徒好品格當中,我們發現有一個很重要的,也是共通的品格,那就是 “忍耐到底”(Perseverance)
弟兄姊妹,“堅忍的信心” 是每一個門徒都需要的。
如果我們要“勝過試探” 和養成 “自我節制” 的好習慣,我們絕對需要有“堅忍的信心” 。如果我們沒有 “堅忍的信心” ,我們可能會“半途而廢” ,達不到最後的目地。
E4. 鼓勵
弟兄姊妹,我們知道,當神創造人類時,衪給人有“自由意志”(free will) 。所以人可以作選擇。
箴 25:28 人不制伏自己的心,好像毀壞的城邑沒有牆垣。
Pr 25:28 Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.
使徒保羅也說,林前 6: 12; 10: 23
弟兄姊妹,身為今天的基督徒,我們有責任來 “省察自己”,在自己的品格上尋求進步,像今天所講的,勝過試探,自我節制,和堅忍到底,以至於我們能夠在生活上榮耀神,也能跟我們所蒙的召相稱。
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