31-day-prayers of Thanksgiving
感恩節又快到了,每年的 11月及12月,是我們感恩的日子,也是慶祝紀念耶穌基督救恩的日子。
The Bible teaches several truths about offering praise and thanksgiving to God: The Lord is worthy of praise (Ps. 96:4). Everything that has breath should praise the Lord (Ps. 150:6). And God’s name should be praised continually (Heb. 13:15) to the ends of the earth (Ps. 48:10). Here are five ways to begin celebrating God’s greatness today.
聖經教導我們幾個有關向上帝獻上讚美和感恩的真理:上帝配得我們的讚頌(詩篇 96:4)。凡有氣息的都要讚美耶和華!(詩篇 150:6)。上帝的名要被持續讚美,直到地極(詩篇 48:10;希伯來書 13:15)。以下是五種方法,您現在可以開始慶祝上帝的偉大。
Praise God’s character : holy (1 Pet. 1:16), compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, loving, faithful (Ex. 34:6), merciful, forgiving (Dan. 9:9), mighty, all-knowing (Ps. 147:5), unchanging, (Heb. 1:12), trustworthy (2 Sam. 7:28), and eternal (Gen. 21:33).
讚美上帝的性格:聖潔(彼前 1:16)、慈悲、恩慈、不輕易發怒、慈愛、信實(出 34:6)、仁慈、寬恕(但 9:9)、全能、無所不知(詩 147:5)、不變(來 1:12)、可靠(撒下 7:28)、永恆(創 21:33)。Meditate on God’s names: Almighty (Rev. 1:8), I Am (Jn. 8:58), Bread of Life (Jn. 6:35), Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6), Good Shepherd (Jn. 10:11), Immanuel (Isa. 7:14), King of Kings, Lord of Lords (1 Tim. 6:15), Messiah (Jn. 1:41), and Redeemer (Job 19:25).
默想上帝的名字:全能的(啟示錄 1:8)、我是(約翰福音 8:58)、生命的糧(約翰福音 6:35)、奇妙的策士、和平的君(以賽亞書 9:6)、善良的牧人(約翰福音 10:11)、以馬內利(以賽亞書 7:14)、萬王之王、萬主之主(提摩太前書 6:15)、彌賽亞(約翰福音 1:41)、以及救贖主(約伯記 19:25)。Give thanks for God’s promises: eternal life (Jn. 3:16), forgiveness of sins (Matt. 26:28), peace (Jn. 14:27), refuge (Ps. 5:11), rest (Matt. 11:28), strength (2 Sam. 22:33), courage (Matt. 14:27), comfort (Ps. 23), and enduring love (1 Chron. 16:34).
感謝神的應許:永生(約 3:16)、罪惡得赦(太 26:28)、和平(約 14:27)、避難所(詩 5:11)、安息(太 11:28)、力量(撒下 22:33)、勇氣(太 14:27)、安慰(詩 23 篇)和永恆的愛(代上 16:34)。Offer gratitude for God’s creations: heavens, earth, day, night, sky, land, seas, vegetation, living creatures, men, women, and children (Gen. 1-4).
感恩上帝的創造:天、地、白晝、黑夜、蒼穹、陸地、海洋、植物、生物、男、女和孩童(創世記 1-4 章)。Praise God for blessings received: Jesus (Lk. 1:26-38), the Lord’s presence (Matt. 28:20), the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:26), the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16), prayer (Matt. 6:9), spiritual gifts (Rom. 12:68), family and friends (Luke 1:58), pastors (Eph. 3:8), churches (Acts 16:15), faith, hope, love (1 Cor. 13:13), health (1 Sam. 25:6), and work (Jn. 5:17).
為所接受的祝福讚美上帝:耶穌(路 1:26-38)、主的同在(太 28:20)、聖靈(約 14:26)、聖經(提後 3:16)、禱告(太 6:9)、屬靈恩賜(羅 12:68)、家人朋友(路 1:58)、牧師(弗 3:8)、教會(徒 16:15)、信、望、愛(林前 13:13)、健康(撒上 25:6)和工作(約 5:17)。
Those who bring thanksgiving as their sacrifice honor me. Psalm 50:23
凡以感謝獻上為祭的,便是榮耀我;那按正路而行的,我必使他得著我的救恩。詩篇 50:23

Prayers of Thanksgiving 感恩祈禱
1 God, thank you for loving the world so much that you gave your only Son so that we may have eternal life. Jn. 3:16 |
2 God, we give thanks for your compassion, faithfulness, grace, holiness, kindness, love, mercy, and wisdom. Dan. 9:9 |
3 God, you are worthy to receive glory, honor and power for you made all things and by your will they were created. Rev. 4:11 |
4 God, thank you for the glorious splendor of your majesty and the wonderful works of your mighty hands. Ps. 145:5 |
5 God, we praise and bless your name that is above all names. Phil. 2:9 |
6 God, thank you for forgiving our sins, in accordance with the richness of your grace. Eph. 1:7 |
7 God, thank you for your peace that surpasses all understanding and guards our hearts and minds. Phil. 4:7 |
8 God, thank you for serving as our rock, fortress, deliverer, shield, horn of salvation, and stronghold. Ps. 18:2 |
9 God, thank you for giving rest to people who are weary and burdened. Matt. 11:28 |
10 God, thank you for being our refuge and strength, an everpresent help in times of trouble. Ps. 46:1 |
11 God, thank you for the compassion, comfort, guidance, and protection you provide. 2 Cor. 1:3 |
12 God, we give thanks, for you are good; your love endures forever. 1 Chron. 16:34 |
13 God, thank you for enabling us to trust in you and lean not on our own understanding. Prov. 3:5 |
14 God, thank you for our Savior Jesus Christ who brings peace, good news, and salvation to all who believe. Isa. 52:7-10 |
15 God, we praise you for Jesus, the Word who became flesh and lived among us full of grace and truth. Jn. 1:1-14 |
16 God, thank you for your unbreakable promise that you will be with us always, even to the end of the age. Matt. 28:20 |
17 God, thank you for your sovereignty, unlimited power, greatness, and presence in our lives. Dan. 7:27 |
18 God, thank you for the marvelous joy that comes from walking in the light of your presence. Ps. 89:15 |
19 God, thank you for sending us the Holy Spirit, who empowers, comforts, counsels, and teaches us all things. Jn. 14:26 |
20 God, thank you for the love that has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Rom. 5:5 |
21 God, thank you for the many different times and ways you answer our prayers. Jn. 15:7 |
22 God, thank you for blessing us with different spiritual gifts, which may be used to joyfully serve you. Rom. 12:6-8 |
23 God, thank you for the gift of prayer and the opportunity it provides to develop a personal relationship with you. Jer. 29:12-13 |
24 God, thank you for choosing us before the foundation of the world to be your treasured people. Eph. 1:4;Deut. 7:6天父,感謝祢在創世以前揀選我們成為祢寶貴的子民。以弗所書 1:4; 申命記 7:6 |
25 God, thank you for blessing us with friends and family who love, encourage, comfort, and rejoice with us. Lk. 1:58 |
26 God, thank you for pastors who answer your call to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ. Eph. 3:8 |
27 God, thank you for equipping us to do good works in your name. Eph. 2:10 |
28 God, thank you for the abundant life and joy we experience in Jesus Christ. Jn. 10:10 |
29 God, we offer praise and thanksgiving for every good and perfect gift comes from you. Jas. 1:17 |
30 God, we give you thanks for nothing can ever separate us from the love of Christ. Rom. 8:35 |
31 God, thank you for your many promises revealed through Scripture that give us hope. Rom. 5:1-5 |
www.ngumc.org |
Published on 2024/10/29
- 華人雲端基督教會
- 讚美
- 感恩
- 禱告
- 31天
- 短禱
- 聖潔(彼前 1:16)
- 慈悲
- 恩慈
- 不輕易發怒
- 慈愛
- 信實(出 34:6)
- 仁慈
- 寬恕(但 9:9)
- 全能
- 無所不知(詩 147:5)
- 不變(來 1:12)
- 可靠(撒下 7:28)
- 永恆(創 21:33)
- 衛理公會
- 陳弟兄
- 默想上帝的名字
- 全能的(啟示錄 1:8)
- 我是(約翰福音 8:58)
- 生命的糧(約翰福音 6:35)
- 奇妙的策士
- 和平的君(以賽亞書 9:6)
- 善良的牧人(約翰福音 10:11)
- 以馬內利(以賽亞書 7:14)
- 萬王之王
- 萬主之主(提摩太前書 6:15)
- 彌賽亞(約翰福音 1:41)
- 以及救贖主(約伯記 19:25)
- 應許
- 耶穌
- 主的同在(太 28:20)
- 聖靈(約 14:26)
- 聖經(提後 3:16)
- 禱告(太 6:9)
- 屬靈恩賜(羅 12:68)
- 牧師(弗 3:8)
- 教會(徒 16:15)
- 信
- 望
- 愛(林前 13:13)
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