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What is Genogram? 什麼是 基因圖譜

  • A genogram is a diagram outlining the history of the behavior patterns (as of divorce, abortion, or suicide) of a family's members over several generations in order to recognize and understand past influences on current behavior patterns. (Definition of Genogram)
    基因圖譜是一種圖譜,描繪家族幾代人中的行為模式及歷史(例如離婚、墮胎或自殺),以便識別和理解過去的事對當前行為模式的影響。(基因圖譜,也可稱為世系圖, 家系譜, 家族圖)
  • It is an important tool for self-awareness, personal development, and relationship development. It can reveal how a person’s experiences today make sense in the larger context of their family-of-origin and past experiences.
  • Genograms can also be used to help reduce emotional reactivity during counseling sessions.
  • A genogram uses symbols to represent all of this information.

我們將使用「心靈基因圖譜」來幫助我們瞭解家庭中的信仰和心靈問題,在靈性上成長,領受 神豐盛的祝福!

A genogram is the Family Tree 3.0: not only does it reveal who's who(family composition and structure) in the family, but it also is rich in information about: 基因圖譜是家系圖 3.0:它不僅揭示了家庭中的誰是誰(家庭組成和結構),還可以包括下列的相關資訊:

  1. major events (e.g., war, immigration, 9/11) that may have left a deep impact on the individuals and/or the family 重大事件 (例如:戰爭、移民、911),可能對個人和/或家庭留下深刻的影響、
  2. cultural factors, race experiences, immigration, religion, sexism, homophobia 文化因素、種族經驗、移民、宗教、性別歧視、恐同症
  3. mental health issues(e.g., anxiety, bipolar disorder) 心理健康問題 (例如:焦慮、躁郁症)
  4. medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, cancer) 醫療狀況 (例如糖尿病、癌症)
  5. traumas (e.g., sexual abuse, sudden deaths, miscarriage) 創傷(例如:性虐待、猝死、流產) 醫治創傷的禱告 -- 點擊此處參考另文 - 即將發表,敬請關注
  6. addictions 成癮 (e.g., alcohol, work, pornography, substance, sex, ministry, shopping)(例如:酒精、工作、色情、物質、性、事奉、購物)。
  7. relationship dynamics: 關係動力: closeness, distance, conflict, enmeshment, cut-off, 親近、距離、衝突、糾纏、斷絕、
  8. the role played in the family (e.g., the Hero, the Victim, the Clown, the Lost Child) 在家庭中扮演的角色(例如:英雄、受害者、小丑、迷失的小孩)
  9. demographic information such as:人口統計的信息,例如:

    1. marriages 結婚
    2. births 出生
    3. divorces 離婚
    4. deaths 死亡

Specialized Genograms 特用基因圖譜

Genograms are a versatile tool, and there are many different types. 基因圖譜是一種多用途的工具,有許多不同的類型。
Special types of genograms can highlight information that is relevant to specific needs. For example: 特殊類型的基因圖譜可以強調與特定需求相關的資訊。例如:

  1. Spiritual Genograms 心靈基因圖譜
  2. Cultural genograms 文化基因圖譜
  3. Color-coded genograms 彩色基因圖譜
  4. Sexual genograms 性基因圖譜
  5. Solution-oriented genograms 以解決方案為導向的基因圖譜
  6. Socially constructed genograms 社會建構的基因圖譜
  7. Time-line genograms 時間線基因圖譜
  8. Career genograms 職業基因圖

Spiritual Genograms 心靈基因圖譜

The spiritual genogram is a type of genogram designed to help understand religious and spiritual issues within a family. It can show information such as:

  1. family members' religious and spiritual affiliations
  2. conflicts related to religion or spirituality
  3. bonds created by religion or spirituality
  4. events in the family's religious life

Benefits of Spiritual Genoarams 心靈基因圖譜的好處

  1. Understand how spirituality is intertwined with their own life and the lives of their family
  2. Identify patterns of sin and negative consequences that have been passed down through generations.
  3. Learn to notice spiritual and religious development in themselves and others.
  4. Realize how important spirituality is to their relationships.

Spiritual genograms are often used in couple and family counseling. They can help people see how their family history of religion and spirituality affects them in the present.
心靈基因圖常用於夫妻和家庭輔導 中,幫助人們瞭解他們家族的宗教信仰和心靈歷史是如何影響他們現在的生活。 Spiritual genograms can also be used to: 心靈基因圖也可用於:

  1. Help people understand the meaning of life
  2. Help people cope with spiritual issues

The spiritual genogram can help couples see the influence of religion and spirituality on their intimacy, whether they have similar or different religious backgrounds.

Notes on Using Spiritual Genograms in Counseling

  • It is important for counselors to be respectful of their counselee spiritual perspectives when using spiritual genograms in counseling.
  • They should not assess counselee from their own point of view, but rather understand that the counselee's spirituality is part of their worldview.
  • A counseling can use probing questions to gather information about the role of religion and spirituality in the family, and how those issues might affect the problems the counselee is facing. 輔導可以使用探索性問題來收集關於宗教和靈性在家庭中的作用的資訊,以及這些問題如何影響輔導對象所面臨的問題。
  • Counselors who are not trained in working with spiritual issues may need to consult with colleagues or clergy before using spiritual genograms.
  • Counselor can encourage counselee to connect with family members to gather more information about their family's history. This can help the client to better understand their family and renegotiate relationships in the present.

Sins Leading to Curses 導致咒詛的罪

There are multitude of sins that can lead to curses. These sins often act as open doors in a person's spiritual life, allowing darkness and negative spiritual influences to enter.

Curses are empowered by Satan and often enforced by demonic entities, principalities, and powers. The sources explain that Satan exploits "open doors" in a person's spiritual hedge, which can be caused by sin, to inflict harm and establish a foothold in their life.
咒詛是由撒旦授權的,通常是由惡魔、執政者和黑暗權勢實施的。撒但利用一個人屬靈籬笆中的「敞開的門」 (可能是由於罪造成的)來造成傷害,並在受咒詛者的生活中建立立足點。

The concept of sin leading to curses is rooted in the biblical idea of disobedience to God and His laws. Here is a categorized breakdown :
罪導致咒詛的概念根源於不順服 神和祂的律法。
以下是分類細目 :

  1. Sins Related to Disobedience to God's Laws: (ref. Deut. 27:15-26 and 28:15-68.)
    與不服從神的律法有關的罪:參閱申命記 27:15-26 和 28:15-68。
    1. Idolatry and Worship of False Gods: (Ex. 20:3-5)
      拜偶像和敬拜假神:參閱出 20:3-5
    2. Placing anything above God in one's life, including material possessions, personal desires, or other deities, violates the first.
      將任何事物(包括物質財產、個人慾望或其他神祇)置於 真神之上,都違反了第一誡。
    3. Dishonoring parents, elders, or those in positions of authority is explicitly mentioned as a sin leading to curses . This can include acts of rebellion, disobedience, and speaking negatively about them.
    4. Treachery, Deceit, and Betrayal.
    5. Acting in a dishonest or untrustworthy manner towards others, particularly those close to you, can result in curses.
    6. Oppression of the Weak and Helpless.Taking advantage of or mistreating those who are vulnerable, such as the poor, widows, orphans, or the marginalized, can lead to curses.
    7. Illicit and Unnatural Sexual Sins. 非法和不自然的性犯罪
      Engaging in sexual activities outside of God's design for marriage, including adultery, fornication, homosexuality, and other forms of sexual immorality, is a major cause of curses.
      從事 神對婚姻計畫以外的性活動,包括通姦、私通、同性戀和其他種形式的不道德行為,是造成咒詛的主要原因。
    8. Antisemitism: 反猶太主義
      Hatred or prejudice against the Jewish people is specifically mentioned as a sin that can lead to curses.
    9. Financial Disobedience and Stinginess: 財務上的不服從和吝嗇:
      Withholding tithes and offerings, being greedy with money, and not using resources responsibly are forms of disobedience that can bring curses.
    10. Religious Hypocrisy and Dead Works: Outwardly practicing religion without genuine faith and inward transformation is condemned as a sin that can lead to curses.
      宗教的偽善與死行: 沒有真正的信心和內在的轉化,而只是在外表地實踐,是被譴責為一種罪,可能導致咒詛。
    11. Breaking Oaths and Covenants: 違反誓言和盟約
      Failing to keep promises made to God or to others, particularly vows made in marriage, can result in curses.
      不遵守對 神或他人的承諾,尤其是在婚姻中發下的誓言,會導致咒詛。
    12. Engaging in occult practices, seeking guidance from mediums or psychics, and using divination tools are acts of rebellion against God that invariably lead to curses.

  2. Sins Related to the Misuse of Words and Self-Imposed Curses:
    1. Speaking Negative Words Against Oneself: 對自己說負面的話
    2. Note the power of words can create reality. Declaring sickness, failure, or hopelessness over oneself can manifest as a self-imposed curse.
      1. “It's driving me crazy”
      2. "Whenever there's a bug, I catch it"
      3. "I don't think I'll ever get pregnant"
      4. "I never can make ends meet"
    3. Cursing Others: 咒詛他人:
      Speaking ill of others, wishing harm upon them, or using words to inflict pain can also invite curses.

Sins Related to Generational Curses (Unrepentant Ancestral Sins):

  1. Generational curses are supernatural edicts enforced by spirit beings and passed down through family lines as a result of unrepentant sin.
  2. That sins committed by ancestors that are not repented of can be passed down as curses to future generations. These curses often manifest as patterns of addiction, illness, poverty, broken relationships, and other destructive behaviors.
  3. Specific sins mentioned as contributing to generational curses include:
    1. Idolatry 偶像崇拜
    2. Sexual Immorality 淫亂
    3. Occult Involvement 參與神秘學(秘術)
    4. Abuse (Sexual, Physical, Verbal, or Emotional) 虐待(性虐待、身體虐待、口頭虐待或情緒虐待)
    5. Addictions 上癮
    6. Rejection 拒絕
    7. Broken Covenants 破壞的盟約

    Children are not held responsible for their parents' sins, but the consequences of those sins can create spiritual vulnerabilities and open doors for curses. Breaking generational curses requires identifying the ancestral sins involved, repenting of them, and renouncing the curses in the name of Jesus.

    It's important to reiterate that this list is not exhaustive, as the sources provide many examples of sins and their potential consequences. It's crucial to seek guidance from the Holy Spirit to identify specific sins that might be contributing to a curse in your life or family history.

The Nature and Cause of Generational Sin

Adam and Eve committed what is generally called original sin. Therefore, all the children born to them (and their descendants) inherited sin as a spiritual gene, thereby turning original sin into hereditary sin.

Subsequently, the whole human race has had the same sinful nature; also, the curse of rejection and the penalty of spiritual death has been passed down through the process of conception and birth.
"Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned—
這就如罪是從一人入了世界,死又是從罪來的,於是死就臨到眾人,因為眾人都犯了罪。 羅 Rom 5:12
神在耶利米書 Jer. 32:18 中告訴我們:你施慈愛於千萬人,又將父親的罪孽報應在他後世子孫的懷中,是至大全能的神,萬軍之耶和華是你的名。

Cain, as the first naturally-born child, was the first recipient of the "hereditary sin" curse. He was rebellious, argumentative, and disobedient, and did not offer an appropriate sacrifice, as God required. He rejected God and God rejected Cain. Because Cain "belonged to the evil one"
該隱,作為第一個自然出生的孩子,是第一個接受 「遺傳罪 」咒詛者。他悖逆、好爭吵、不聽話,沒有按照神的要求獻上適當的祭物。他拒絕了神,神也拒絕了該隱。因為該隱 「屬於那惡者」。約翰一書 1 John 3:12

One of the ways Satan harasses us is by sending evil influences through "doors" that are open in our spiritual hedge (refer to Job 1:10 "a fence around") due to sins committed by our ancestors. God tells us this is so in several scriptural passages.
撒旦侵擾我們的方法之一,是透過我們屬靈籬笆中因祖先所犯的罪而打開的 「門」(參約伯記 Job 1:10 「圈上籬笆,圍護」)所開的「門(又稱破口)」,將邪惡的影響傳給我們。神在多處經文中告訴我們是這樣的。

Few would argue with the existence of physical heredity - with the natural process of passing on genes and DNA to our sons and daughters, which results in the tendency of our offspring to possess some of the physical characteristics and nature of their parents and ancestors.
很鮮少有人會質疑身體遺傳的存在 - 將基因和 DNA 傳給我們的兒子和女兒的自然過程,這導致我們的後代傾向於擁有父母和祖先的一些身體特徵和性情。

Few, also, would argue with the existence of hereditary pre-disposition of offspring for the mental problems of their parents (for example, depression, worry, anxiety, mental illness - "soul" reference ).
也很少有人會反駁父母的心理問題(例如,憂鬱症、焦慮症、精神疾病 - 情緒是的「靈魂 」的一部分)對其後代有存在遺傳。

How do we know this? Let's look at a couple of examples from the Bible. 我們是怎麼知道這些事的呢?讓我們看看聖經中的幾個例子。

  1. David took (raped) Bathsheba,(2 Sam11:4), and later Amnon,David' s son rapes his sister Tamar. ( 2 Sam 13:14) David' s son Solomon had 1000 wives and concubines (1 Kings 11:3).
    大衛娶了(強姦)拔示巴 (撒母耳記下 2 Sam 11:4),後來大衛的兒子暗嫩,強姦了他的妹妹她瑪 (撒母耳記下 2 Sam 113:14)。大衛的兒子所羅門有 1000多個妻妾(列王記上 1 King 11:3)。
  2. Abraham was a liar. Twice he lied about Sarah being his sister. (Gen 12:13 & Gen 20:2). Isaac lies to Abimelech, king of the Philistines, saying Rebekah was his sister. (Gen 26:7). Jacob and his mother Rebekah lied to Issac in order for Jacob to obtain the blessing. (Gen 27:19). Jacob's ten sons lie to Jacob about Joseph's death. (Gen 37:33)
    亞伯拉罕是個騙子。他曾兩次撒謊說撒拉是他的妹妹。(創世記 12:13 Gen 及創世記 Gen 20:2)。他的獨生兒子以撒對非利士人的王亞比米勒撒謊,說利百加是他的妹妹 (創世記 Gen 26:7)。他的孫子雅各(後來改名叫以色列,他的後裔便是以色列族(太 Matth 1∶2;創世記 Gen 32∶28))和他的母親利百加為了讓雅各獲得祝福,騙了以撒。(創世記 Gen 27:19)。雅各的10個兒子就約瑟的死向雅各撒謊。(創世記 Gen 37:33)
  3. Within the middle of verse five of Exodus 20 (the Ten Commandments), we find these words from God: " you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting (punishing) the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.” (Ex. 20:5-6).
    出 Ex. 20:5-6說:「不可跪拜那些像,也不可侍奉它,因為我耶和華你的神是忌邪的神。恨我的,我必追討他的罪,自父及子,直到三四代; 愛我守我誡命的,我必向他們發慈愛,直到千代。」

    神曾在多處經文:如出 Ex. 20:5、出 Ex. 34:7、民 Num 14:18、申 Deut. 5:9,也如此告誡我們。
  4. Jesus' statement in Luke 11:50: "that the blood of all the prophets which was shed from the foundation of the world may be required of this generation," This verse indicates that the consequences of sins committed in the past can be carried by future generations. 耶穌在路加福音11章50節說:"使創世以來所流眾先知血的罪,都要問在這世代的人身上" 這節經文表明,過去所犯的罪的後果可能會由後代承擔。

    The root of original sin began in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Notwithstanding the sin of Adam and Eve, they later walked with God and were obedient to Him. Adam and Eve passed on to their sons - through spiritual heritage - both the sins of rebellion and idolatry and the blessing of mercy (vs. 20:6). (Source: Dr. Arlin Epperson Healing of the Spirit.pdf)
    原罪的根源始於亞當和夏娃的伊甸園。儘管亞當和夏娃犯了罪,他們後來仍與神同行並順服祂。亞當和夏娃透過心靈的傳承,把悖逆、拜偶像的罪和憐憫的祝福都傳給了他們的兒子(Gen 20:6節)。(資料來源:Dr. Arlin Epperson, Healing of the Spirit.pdf)

    Modern-Day Research: 現代研究:

    1. Studies that show a higher likelihood of addiction, alcoholism, and criminal behavior among descendants of individuals who engaged in such activities.
    2. Research is also presented indicating that children of alcoholics have different physiological responses to alcohol compared to children of non-alcoholics.
    3. Studies are mentioned showing that a mother's emotional state during pregnancy can significantly impact the child's physical and emotional well-being.

Using Genograms to Identify Possible Generational Sins/Curses

A curse is a supernatural edict enforced by a spirit being. Every curse has a cause (or source); "so the curse causeless shall not come"
Prov. 26:2 "Like a flitting sparrow, like a flying swallow, So a curse without cause shall not alight. "
箴 26:2 "麻雀往來,燕子翻飛,這樣,無故的咒詛也必不臨到。"

As we minister for the purpose of inner healing conselling and come to believe there is a curse involved, there are three questions we need to ask: (1) Is there a curse? (2) What is the cause? (3) What is the cure?
當我們為了自我醫治或輔導的目的而服事,並且相信牽涉到咒詛時,我們一定要問這三個問題: (1) 是否有咒詛?(2) 原因是什麼?(3) 醫治的方法是什麼?

The Power of Spiritual Genograms 心靈基因圖譜的力量

One of the most powerful tools in the fight against generational curses is the genogram. By meticulously mapping out our family histories, we can gain invaluable insights into the patterns and behaviors that have been passed down through the generations. This exercise not only helps us to identify the specific curses we may be grappling with, but it also provides a roadmap for the work that lies ahead.

How Spiritual Genograms can be used to identify possible generational curses. 如何使用心靈基因圖譜鑑定可能的世代咒詛。

  1. Spiritual Genograms can help to identify patterns of sin and negative consequences that have been passed down through generations.
    • They do so by mapping out family relationships over at least three generations and recording information on significant life cycle events, such as births, deaths, marriages, and divorces.
    • Additionally, you can record details like occupations, education, religious affiliations, spiritual beliefs, extended family networks, and medical and emotional history.
  2. That the unrepentant sin on the part of our forefathers becomes a generational curse, particularly the sin of idolatry.

    出埃及記 Ex. 20:5 "不可跪拜那些像,也不可侍奉它,因為我耶和華你的神是忌邪的神。恨我的,我必追討他的罪,自父及子,直到三四代;"

  3. Note: To use a genogram for this purpose, you would first create a genogram that includes as much information as possible about your family history.

  4. The next step is to look for patterns of sin and their associated consequences that emerge through the generational lines.
    • For example, you might notice that there is a history of addiction, mental illness, or poverty in your family.
    • You might also notice that certain problems seem to "skip" generations.
      您也可能注意到某些問題似乎跳過 (隔代) 遺傳。

    There are several areas to help identify these patterns:

    • Checklist #1 helps identify spiritual problems such as occult
      #1 識別靈的問題,例如崇拜假神、背逆上帝、 參與秘術、神秘學、交鬼、 算命、 拜拜先等等 。
    • Checklist #2 focuses on patterns of sin, such as anger, jealousy, unforgiveness, and vengeance.
      #2 著重於罪的模式,例如憤怒、嫉妒、不饒恕和報仇。
    • Checklist #3 is about health problems that are prominent in your family.
      #3 是關於您家庭中顯著的健康問題,例如癌症、糖尿病、高血壓、上癮等等 。

    A few cautions about using genograms to identify generational curses:

    • It is important to remember that not all negative patterns are caused by generational curses. Some may be the result of environmental factors, such as poverty or trauma.
    • It is also important to avoid blaming your ancestors for your problems. Instead, you should use the genogram as a tool to understand how your family history has shaped you, both positively and negatively.
    • We know that Jesus died for our sins and the curses heaped upon our children, and through faith in him, we can break free from generational curses.
    • consultingWe recommend that you seek the assistance of an intercessor experienced in prayer for generational influences for help in breaking curses and healing.

Overall, genograms can be a helpful tool to gain insights into your family's past and to identify possible areas for healing and growth. By understanding the patterns and influences that have shaped your family, you can begin to break free from negative patterns and live a healthier, more fulfilling life.

無數的外在力量可能會塑造我們,但是我們成長的家庭是最主要的,而且除了罕見的情況之外,也是最強大的系統,會塑造和影響我們成為什麼樣的人"。-- Pete Scanzerro

Redemption Church - Genogram Workbook 救贖教會 - 基因圖譜工作簿

救贖教會 - 基因圖譜工作表

Redemption Church - Genogram Workbook 救贖教會 - 基因圖譜工作簿

點擊此處,參考Genogram Workbook 基因圖譜工作簿 - 另文。

Creating a Genogram 繪製基因圖譜

如上所述,心靈基因圖譜可以幫助您深入了解家族的歷史,並找出可能的療癒與成長領域。 如果你有興趣繪製您的的話,請參考以下 YouTube視頻的介紹 。

A Sample Prayer to Break and Reverse the Curses 打破和扭轉咒詛的禱告(例)

如以下 YouTube 視頻所述,唯有神的大能才可打破和扭轉所有(任何種類)的咒詛!

弟兄姊妹,謝謝您閱讀到這裡,看完視頻後,我們鼓勵您,有信心的禱告吧!願 神賜福您,福杯滿溢!

Reference 參考資料:

  1. 1-28-- healing of the spirit.pdf1-28 -- 心靈的醫治.pdf
  2. 2014 Healing-of-the-Spirit-Chapters-1-32.pdf
  3. Dr-Arlin-Epperson-Healing-of-the-spirit.pdf
  4. Dr. Arlin Epperson Healing of the Spirit.pdf
  5. Explaining Blessings and Curses - nuggets4u - PDF Room.pdf解釋祝福和咒詛 - nuggets4u - PDF Room.pdf
  7. HodgeSpiritualEco-grams.pdf
  8. Spiritual-Warfare-Deliverance-Ministry-Training.pdf屬靈爭戰-釋放-事工-訓練.pdf
  9. The Spiritual Genogram.pdf心靈基因圖.pdf
  10. Using Spiritual Genograms in Family Therapies[#419480]-465290.pdf在家庭治療中使用心靈基因圖[#419480]-465290.pdf
  11. genograms-and-african-american-families-employing-family.pdfgenograms and-african-american-families-employing-family.pdf
  12. How to Make a Genogram,
  13. HowStuffWorks

除非另有說明,引用的經文均來自現代標點和合本(版權屬香港聖經公會所有,蒙允准使用),英文 New King James Version Bible (NKJV)版。


Published on 發表於 2024/10/27, 2024/11/23 修訂並加中文譯文, 2024/12/05 修改"為打破家庭詛咒的祈禱"的鏈結
2024 華人雲端基督教會 - Chinese Christian Cloud Church